HSI is a bi-annual journal which has been approved by the committee of Iran’s Academic Journal and has been published by the faculty of Architecture and Art at University of Kashan.
This journal was founded by University of Kashan in 2017, and its first issue came out in Spring and Summer of 2017. Since that time, 6 issues of the Journal have been published successively.
The Journal has set up the following missions to be accomplished:
- To identify and introduce handicrafts
- To produce and expand the horizons of knowledge in handicrafts
- To add to the existing literature and to further scientific studies on handicrafts
- To preserve and strengthen the local and national cultures based on national premises
- To identify and introduce handicrafts in order to spread a genuine Iranian-Islamic culture
- To spread handicraft art as one of the most important spiritual and practical Iranian legacies among layers of society
- To spread the outcomes of innovative and valuable studies about practical arts
- To introduce researchers’ scientific and artistic activities and to develop and strengthen academic relationships among researchers
Publisher: University of Kashan
Director-in-Charge: Abbas Akbari
Editor-in-Chief: Amir Hussein Chitsaziyan
Executive Manager: Aboulfazl Arab Beigi