Journal of Iranian Handicrafts Studies (Honar-haye Sana'ee-ye Iran)

Journal Status

According to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology’s declaration issued in 1395/3/22 and numbered 54805/18/3, the Journal of Iranian Handicrafts Studies was granted full Academic-Research status by the ministry’s publication committee.

is an academic, peer-reviewed journal funded by University of Kashan  Research Council. The Journal fully endorses and adheres to regulations of Cope (committee on publishing ethics) and those of Iran’s Ministry of Science and Technology. It is an open-access journal, and articles can be downloaded freely by readers.

Journal short name: HSI

Publication frequency: biannual

APC: 4,000,000 Iranian Rial (900,000 for first review, 3,100,000 after final acceptance of the article; in special case of a third review, 450,000 Rial will be added to the processing charge)

Review: Double-blind peer-review

Review duration: up to 4 months

Open Access: Yes

Publication format: in print; electronic

Language: Persian

Publication Ethics

The ethical policy of the journal has been developed based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines, and all readers, authors, reviewers and editors are expected to comply with this policy. Needless to say, failure to comply with the ethical code of the journal on the part of the authors will result in the removal of the article from the publication process. 


The members of the Editorial Board have a strict policy against plagiarism; hence, authors before sending their manuscript to the Journal should check the originality of the article by Irandak (plagiarism detection service) and upload the issued document in the Journal site. If the file is not enclosed or the document is incomplete, the article will not be reviewed and will be sent back to the author.


In case of queries, authors can send their messages either to Journal’s e-mails or to Journal’s Whatsapp Number: 09218748849.

Journal’s e-mail:

Director-in-Charge’s e-mail:

 Executive Manager’s e-mail:

Indexing and Abstracting


 Google Scholar 




The members of the Editorial Board have a strict policy against plagiarism; hence before sending the manuscript to the journal, the originality of the article should be checked by Irandak service. Later, if it is proved that an article has been founded on plagiarism, the author(s) will be blacklisted and the term “plagiarist(s)” with be written in front of the(ir) name(s).

Article Ownership

Authors whose articles are published by HSI are the copyright owners.

Necessity of ORCID Code for Authors

Authors, after registering in  and receiving their personal ORCID code, should type it in at the time of on-line registration.


Necessity of Membership in Publons for Reviewers



  • Please after receiving the thank-you e-mail of the Journal for the review, forward this e-mail to


  • The guideline for registration in Publons is available in Reviewers’ Section.


  • In case of queries, please send your requests either to Journal’s e-mail or to Journal’s Whatsapp number (09218748849). Please avoid calling this number.
Current Issue: Volume 6, Issue 2 - Serial Number 11, March 2024, Pages 5-219 (11) 

Publication Information


Director-in-Charge Editor-in-Chief Executive Manager Editorial Board International Editorial Board Executive Director Language Editor Page Designer English Text Editor
Print ISSN
Online ISSN

Indexing and Abstracting

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