تحلیل مفهوم برکت در هنر عیلامی و مقایسۀ آن با نقوش رایج در سفالگری قرون میانی اسلامی

نوع مقاله : علمی -ترویجی


استادیار گروه هنر، دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی، اردبیل، ایران


مفهوم برکت و باروری یکی از اصلی‌ترین وجوه تفکر بشری است. برکت و باروری و فراوانی با حیات انسان رابطۀ مستقیمی دارد؛ ازاین‌رو می‌توان بازنمود آن را به‌صورت نوشتار و تصویر بر آثار هنری بررسی کرد. تحقیق حاضر در پی پاسخ به این پرسش است که مفهوم برکت و باروری در هنر کهن ایرانی به‌ویژه در تمدن عیلامی چگونه ظاهر شده و نمودهای این مفهوم در سفالینه‌های دورۀ اسلامی چگونه است. هدف تحقیق، تبیین مفهوم فلسفی برکت در هنر ایرانی و شناسایی نمادهای رمزی آن بر سفالینه‌های ایرانی‌ـ اسلامی است. مقایسۀ شیوه‌های بیان برکت در کهن‌ترین هنرهای ایرانی با نمونه‌های سمبلیک آن در هنر سفالگری قرون میانی دورۀ اسلامی از اهداف پژوهش حاضر است. نوع پژوهش از نظر هدف بنیادی است. روش تحقیق توصیفی‌تحلیلی است و روش گردآوری مطالب کتابخانه‌ای از طریق فیش‌برداری و تصویرخوانی است. روش تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها کیفی است. بر اساس یافته‌های تحقیق در هنر عیلامی مفهوم برکت علاوه بر اینکه در متن‌ها و کتیبه‌های نوشتاری بر روی مهر‌ها و ظروف ظاهر شده است، به‌صورت نمادهای تصویری حیوانی مانند پرنده، ماهی، نمادهای گیاهی مانند درخت زندگی، و نمادهای انتزاعی مانند خطوط زیگزاگ، دایره و مارپیچ، نماد ستاره‌ای و ایزدی به چشم می‌خورد. در سفالگری قرون میانی اسلامی نیز علاوه بر اینکه کتیبه‌های نوشتاری مفهوم برکت، یمن و سعادت را به‌صورت دعا نشان می‌دهند، همان نشان‌های تصویری نماد برکت در هنر عیلامی، مصور بر سفالینه‌ها در کنار واژۀ برکت هستند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Analysis of the concept of blessing in Elamite art and its comparison with the concept of common illustrations (motifs) in Middle Ages Islamic pottery

نویسنده [English]

  • Ziba Kazempoor
Assistant Professor, Department of Art, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
چکیده [English]

Islamic art inherits the ancient tradition of illustration and motif, which was developed under the religious teachings of Islam. The desire for happiness and blessing in the form of written expressions and word repetition observed on the pottery surfaces of the Islamic period, is part of this legacy. The study of Elamite inscriptions as one of the oldest civilizations in the world, shows that the concept of blessing and abundance is one of the important themes of these writings, which is especially illustrated in scenes dedicated to Elamite works. In Elamite art and on Islamic pottery, inscription is associated with the concept of blessing and benevolence, which are placed next to pictorial symbols. In the pottery of the Islamic period, the text is decorated with an abstract plant symbol. The concept of blessing and fertility can be considered as one of the main aspects of human thought. Blessing and fertility is directly linked with human life. Thus, it can be represented as text and image on artwork. The present study seeks to discover how the concept of blessing and fertility appeared in ancient Iranian art, particularly in the Elamite civilization, and how this concept is represented in the pottery of the Islamic period. The purpose of the research is to explain the philosophical concept of blessing in Iranian art and to identify symbolic characters on Iranian-Islamic pottery. This research aimed at comparing the methods of expressing blessing in the oldest Iranian arts with symbolic examples in the pottery art of the Middle Ages of the Islamic period. The type of research is fundamental with respect to the purpose of the study. The research method was descriptive - analytical and data collecting is via library study by taking notes and image. The data analysis is qualitative. The findings indicated that concept of blessing emerged not only in written texts and inscriptions on seals and containers, but also in the form of animal visual symbols such as birds, fish, plant symbols such as the tree of life, and abstract symbols such as zigzag lines, circles and spirals, stars, and divine symbol. Written inscriptions revealed the concept of blessing, felicity and prosperity in the form of prayer decorated the Islamic pottery in Middle Ages. The same pictorial signs symbolizing blessing in Elamite art are also depicted on pottery next to the word blessing.

The concept of blessing and fertility is one of the main aspects of human thinking. Blessing and fertility is linked with human life. Thus, it can be represented as text and image on works of art. This study seeks to answer the question. What is blessing and fertility symbol in ancient Iranian art, especially in the Elamite civilization and aspects of this concept in Islamic pottery. The main hypothesis is the emergence of the concept of blessing and fertility symbol for inscription, As well as icons in Elamite art and culture, its continuity in the Islamic pottery especially the works of Nishapur

. The reserch method was descriptive - analytical and data collecting is via library study by taking notes and image. Thte analysis of data is qualitative. Based on research findings, blessing have appeared In the Elamite writing of art on stamps and with animal symbols such as bird, fish and plant motifs, the tree of life, and abstract symbols, such as zigzag lines, circles and spirals, stars and divine symbol. Written inscriptions with concept of blessing, good luck and prosperity for prayer,decorated the Islamic pottery.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Concept of blessing
  • Elamite Art
  • Pottery Art
  • Islamic period
  • Symbolism

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